Who and Where is God?

God is the Maker of all things, the Creator of this and every universe, the God, Lord, Father and Teacher of Moses and all the Hebrew patriarchs and matriarchs.

He is the all-knowing, all-powerful, eternal holy Master, Mother, Father, Judge, End and Beginning, Alpha and Omega, of everyone everywhere – even those who do not acknowledge Him.

Also see What are the Names of God/About HaShem (the Name)

He is infinite: He is in Heaven above and on the Earth beneath. He is everywhere and always.

This is another way of saying that He is entirely non-material. Nothing material is ageless; nothing material can be in more than one place at once. But God is perfectly and absolutely one - He is the One God, not just the only God, but perfectly indivisible, and His unity is absolute and perfect.

So, in fact, "any picture or image that one might hold in his mind of God applies to something other than God." (The Rainbow Covenant, p. 261). Rather, He is spirit, and this is part of His very essence. Even though He is all-powerful, He cannot betray His own Nature.

Further, He is holy, and this, too, is part of His essence. So He is NOT part of His Creation and, despite what some say, all is not one, because He does not belong to the all. Rather, He made "the all." He is intimately involved with all things, beyond the power of any human being to ever accurately imagine, and the universe and all realty could not exist - not even for an instant - without Him.

Even His special Name, the Tetragrammaton, involving the letters equivalent to Y, H, V, and H, is holy; the mere act of contemplating His Name and the holy qualities that are most closely associated with it - particularly faithfulness, forbearance, forgiveness, and loving-kindness - can bring people closer to holiness.

Despite His greatness, He is known for His "humility": He is always ready to deal intimately and directly even with the humblest human being. Take what we know of God from the Bible, for instance, and the Book of Job. "If Job has a central message, it is that God is always near, immanent and not just transcendent -- that He is immediately, intimately somehow "with" each of us and concerned with man in ways that confound even the proudest philosophies." (Rainbow Covenant, p. 262).


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